Reiki is an energy healing. Everything is energy. This life force energy is used to balance and restore. Be assisted with the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual elements within your body. Be embraced by a gentle and subtle energy. You will feel a sense of ease as the specialist works with you. Please recognize that the specialist does not use his or her own energy. You will only receive the energy that is meant for you. Reiki helps to restore and bring balance. AGLOW Wellness offers a Reiki energy healing service for guests to enjoy. Reduce stress, decrease anxiety and release worry. Check some more of the reiki benefits below.
Reiki Benefits
- Boosts Body Detox
- Increase Energy
- Slow Aging Process
- Relieve Grief
- Brings Balance
- Release Tension
- Removes Energy Blocks
Enjoy Reiki
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Reiki healing has a gentle nature and powerful effects. It is widely offered in the West based on these attributes. Advanced techniques help you get the most holistic and helpful experience. Different methods are used to meet your specific needs.